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Sending the Sheep Out in the Spring Time

Spring has been on the horizon for quite sometime now, and our sheep have been jumping out of their pens in anticipation of going out on green pasture.

When this happens, the ewes and lambs can get separated and we are more likely to have bottle lambs.

During the warm months, the ewes have a much easier time bonding to their babies because the ewes give birth in a secluded corner of the field. While in the winter months, we do not have enough birthing “jugs” (an area where mothers give birth and bond to their babies) to support the amount of new mothers.

Once the babies get up and start walking, which is less than an hour after birth; they may walk to another ewe and get lost. Causing the mother to abandon them. We are always trying to improve our management systems for the better of our animals. That is why birthing jugs are going to be a priority coming this winter.

Farmers want their animals out on pasture as much as possible. They know that it is good for the animals to stretch their legs, get fresh air, and get the much needed vitamins and minerals from the soil. Hay is a great alternative for the winter months, but the higher proteins and sugar levels in the grass make for happier and healthier animals.

When it is time for the sheep to say good-bye to the barn and then moved out on pasture, we take this time to tag ears, vaccinate, trim hooves, deworm, and castrate.

This year, we asked for help via social media and were surprised at the amount of helpful hands we got!

With our flock of over 100 sheep, it would have taken my husband, my father in law, and I at least a whole weekend to get all the sheep out on pasture. It took everyone only two and half hours. Talk about many hands making light work!

We could not have been more thankful for the community wanting to come out and help.